Private debt has grown in popularity as an alternative source of debt financing, with the asset class tripling in size since 2008. This short course reviews the unique characteristics that make private debt a compelling investment in most market conditions.

Andrew Lockhart | 2.00 CE

Delta Factors is a returns-based factor analysis tool that will help you create robust portfolios by deepening your understanding of the underlying factors that have truly driven a fund's investment risk and return. It is highly intuitive, visual, fast and cost effective.

In 1990, Towers Perrin started spruiking the modern-day investment mandate. I must admit the concept of making investment managers far more accountable seemed rather good. Unfortunately, it most likely left clients worse off.

With just about every equity index globally dominated by a handful of companies, indexed investors might soon discover they are overweight future failure.

Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) is the peak, international technical portfolio construction certification program designed for investment management analysts - that is, those involved in any aspect of constructing multi-asset, multi-manager portfolios.

The Investment Management Analyst Certificate (IMAC) advances investment management analyst knowledge, skill and expertise in a definitive set of competencies necessary for building and/or advising on quality multi-manager portfolios. It is both a structured post-graduate certificate course in its own right, and the Australian-based Registered Education Program for the global Certified Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®) program.

Our Markets Summit program kicks off with a video retrospective of the key events of the prior year...

Investors should explore opportunities beyond the ASX20, focusing instead on the Ex-20 index which provides exposure to Australia's future rather than its past.

Dion Hershan | 0.50 CE

We are in an investment environment like that of the pre-GFC period. Bonds will offer higher levels of both income and diversification, within a multi-asset portfolio.

Chris Iggo | 0.25 CE